About Solid Rain®

Learn how Solid Rain® can maximize your growing potential and save you water, money and time.

How Solid Rain® works

  • Solid Rain® is the Original. It is a dry potassium polyacrylate granule.
  • In its hydrated form Solid Rain® can hold up to 400x its weight in water.
  • Solid Rain® gradually delivers the stored water meeting hydration requirements for ground plant life including: crops, grasses, nursery grown plants/trees as well as residential and commercial landscapes.


  • A 20-year-old proven innovation, Solid Rain® can be implemented into your landscaping and farm land in order to reduce water usage by up to 50-70%.
  • Once applied, Solid Rain® lasts on average 7 years in the ground depending on usage/soil conditions.
  • Along with cost- and water-efficiency benefits, Solid Rain® promotes moisture retention & aeration at the rhizome level while simultaneously preventing water and nutrient leaching.

A safe option

  • Solid Rain® is biodegradable, innocuous, inert, and doesn’t absorb into produce, making it food safe.

Contact Us

Learn more about how Solid Rain® can transform the way you grow.